Lucky or unlucky

When young women like Yvonne and Hülya are diagnosed with breast cancer their world stands still.
Checking your breasts for breast cancer? You're young, so breast cancer doesn't seem likely? Then you find a lump in your breast.
You can't believe it ... and so you don't accept it....for a long time.
Young women have to detect breast cancer themselves with 'look and feel'. When you feel a tumour yourself, then the consequences are considerable. As they were for Yvonne and Hülya.
Three thousand young women a year are diagnosed with breast cancer. And that's only in the Netherlands. Their chances are often poor and the treatment extremely burdensome. There's no knowing what the effects of the treatment will be. Every year 800 young women die.
We have to reduce this number! The Early Warning Scan helps us to do this.
Well known young women now in the news:
Esther Vergeer, paralympic champion (38)
Linda Hakeboom, documentary producer (34)
Maud van Oossanen, Freelancer in the Hostess|Entertainment|Modelling Sector (23)
Natasha Stuart, Voice Australia 2019 (43), died in 2020
Sheila van de Meeren. Entrepreneur and founder of Stichting Supervrouw, (43)
Give young women hope
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