Sponsors thanks!

We thank all the commercial and private sponsors who support YvYa.

The first sponsorship payment on 16 October 2020

#wedoitforthegirls #borstkanker  #zelfonderzoek #earlywarningscan  #borstkankerscreening  #ANBI #erkendgoeddoel”  #symptomenvanborstkanker #borstkankeronderzoek #borstkankersypmtomen #borstkankerleeftijd #knobbelindeborst #bevolkingsonderzoek #borstonderz

vlnr Sophie Pennock, JIBB+ en Michelle Dubois, AH

During the YvYa's Kick-off on 16 October 2020, the first large donation is presented to YvYa.

JIBB+ and Albert Heijn held joint activities after the  death of Yvonne. These activities raised an impressive amount of money.

Tens of sponsors followed.

Claire van Ruth, grafisch ontwerper, Sprang Capelle

Jacky Dirksz, vertaling Engels, Eindhoven

Carole Wilbraham, vertaling Engels, Leende

Rinus Pennings, meubelmaker, St. Oedenrode

Maart Consulting, Geldrop - www.maart-consulting.nl

Online Marketing 45Plus, Eindhoven - www.onlinemarketing45plus.nl

OWK Notarissen, Vught - www.owknotarissen.nl 

Privacy4sure, Geldrop - www.privacy4sure.nl

Vyoupoint Films, Veldhoven - www.vyoupointfilms.nl

Intellectueel Eigendom, Utrecht - www.intellectueeleigendom.nl 

C'park Bata, Best - www.c-park-bata.nl

Borduurstudio Valentijn, Eindhoven - www.borduur-studio.nl

Summacollege Eindhoven - www.summacollege.nl

Zeepgieterij De Zeeptopper, Best - www.zeeptopper.nl

Nagelsalon bij Esther, Gemert- facebook: nagelsalonbijesther

Heavy Mettaal, Helmond- www.heavymettaal.com  

't Werveke, Someren- www.weverke-someren.nl

Wanda van Houts Fotografie, Someren- www.wandavanhoutsfotografie.nl

Essential Elements, Tilburg- www.essentialelements.nl

Secret Cinema, Antwerpen, www.secretcinema.be

Peaches Presents, Tilburg- www.peachespresents.nl

Terburg tekstproducties, Goirle- www.terburgtekstproducties.nl

Iris van der Logt, St. Oederode- www.laserbaas.nl

Dorine Vink Janson, Eindhoven- DorinevinkyDesign op Instagram

Faruk Pinarbasi, Eindhoven- www.pinargold.nl

Regalini, druk - en printservice, Eindhoven- www.regalini.nl

Van Thiel Belastingadviseurs, St. Michielsgestel - www.vtbelastingadviseurs.nl

Michiel van den Broek Consultancy, Oosterhout,- www.michielvandenbroek.nl

Muzikaal duo Stenzel en Kivits, Ommel www.stenzelkivits.nl   

Groothandel Verhaak, Asten www.verhaak.nl

Shaam Arabische supermarkt, Eindhoven, www.shaam.nl

The Prince Creative Agency,  The Prince Creative Agency

Op Noord, Op Noord
Step by step, Step by step

What can you do for YvYa?

Doing something for YvYa means doing something for all women! Take action!

Show your support for women and help us. 


With your contribution the Early Warning Scan will be available sooner.

That matters!

Avoid intensive treatment and help us to reduce the deathrate from breast cancer!

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