For women, by women

Each year 11.000 women with breast cancer are left to fend for themselves. 

They had to discover breast cancer themselves, because effective screening is lacking.

Among them are 3.000- 5000 young women 😓.

And what about the population screening?

They discover every year 6.500 till 7.000 cases, only in the 50 to 75 age group.

Check here the definitive numbers of the year 2024 from the IKNL.

Who are these 11.000 victims?

We call them:

  • women under 54 years old
  • women with dense breast tissue after meno pause
  • women with abnormal growth forms of breast cancer that are not seen with mammography


We also call:

  • women who do not want or do not dare to participate in the population screening with mammography
  • women over 75 years old

Do you also think: that won't happen to me because...      

They didn't expect it either.                                                              Check here the reason why you won't get breast cancer. 

Despite this Yvonne and Hülya are among the more than 3.000- 5000 young women who develop breast cancer every year. This has to change!

Check here the latest final numbers from IKNL 2024

This picture was taken on May 2019.

On the left side:  Paulette Kreté (60 years), in the middle: Yvonne Geers (36 years) on the ride side: Hülya Pinarbasi (43 years).

Three women and a bright idea.

That is the base for the Early Warning Scan of the foundation YvYa.

These three women are now developing the Early Warning Scan for breast cancer. 

Read here their story how it got to this point.

YvYa actively collaborates with developers of the EarlyWarningScan Ltd.
The foundation's ambassadors provide solicited and unsolicited advice on the gentleness and accessibility of the Scanner.

The advantages of this breast cancer screening for women aged 16 till 100.

  • This breast cancer screening is suitable for women of all ages. 
  • The Early Warning Scan is woman friendly: painless, contactless.
  • It doesn't use X-rays.


  • Women no longer have to judge for themselves whether something is wrong. This scan does this in an objective manner. 
  • The scan is also important as a second opinion for women who are already participating in the population screening. The population screening misses about 30% of women with breast cancer. The scan provides extra valuable additional security.
  • For young women and for women with dense breast tissue after menopause  this Early Warning Scan is therefor super important.

Individual interest

What does it bring you?

  • You get an image from your breasts. A scan is made of both the left and the right breast. Your breasts are compared.
  • By scanning twice a year you gain insight in the development of your breasts. .
  • Your breasts are monitored for life. You don't have to do that yourself.
  • Are there irregularities in one of your breasts? Then you discover it in an earlier stage compared to when you 'see and check' them yourself. 
  • Does an irregularity appear to have a deviating character? Maybe it could be cancer? Then you discover it very early and the consequences are limited.
  • With every scan you make an anonymous contribution to research using artificial intelligence based data analysis techniques. 

The more women participate, the more data comes available. 

Group interest

 What is in it for all women? 

  • All information obtained by the EWS, is collected.  
  • This data is analyzed using artificial intelligence based data analysis techniques.  
  • By comparing a lot of data on women's breasts information becomes avalaible. This information is analyzed.
  • Through many analyzes of the information it becomes clear what the irregularities in breasts are. 
  • Longterm analysis makes it clear which irregularities are something to worry about and which can lead to breast cancer. The analyzis are interpreted. 
  • Over the years, the interpretation becomes more and more fine-grained. In this way, irregularities are formulated faster and more precisely. 

A good feeling

Participating in the Early Warning Scan is for yourself, but also for other women.

It makes you feel good, because you are not only supporting yourself but also others.

For no and for the future.

The women of YvYa endorse these values:

  • Solidarity
  • Community spirit
  • Moral duty
  • Give hope
  • Give light
  • Help each other
  • Fundamental
  • Lovingly

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