Committee of Recommendation

As Committee of Recommendation we endorse the goals of Stichting YvYa.

The availability of new scientific methods for the screening for breast cancer is vital for women.

We consider the development of the Early Warning Scan, which is supported by Stichting YvYa, extremely valuable: this innovation can make an essential contribution to the reduction in the number of deaths.

It can also improve the quality of life for women who are the victims of breast cancer.

The names of committee members are listed in alphabetical order.

Arlène Denissen

Board member/member of the executive board at Albeda mbo

Robert Dölle    

Former newspaper journalist 

I have been watching Tom Sanders for some time because of his drive to discover new innovative, technical solutions.  

He has successes, but sometimes a good idea doesn't get further than the drawing board. That must not happen this time!

The Early Warning Scan can be a breakthrough in diagnosing breast cancer in time. The development of this system deserves all our support.  

Carmel Drabbe 


Brigitte van Helden

Director of the School for Technology at MBO Amersfoort

A quick completion of the Early Warning Scan is very important for all women.

By making screening accessible, early treatent is made possible.

In the long term this provides, along with the many saved lives, a reduction of the healthcare costs.
Let us in the Netherlands take the lead in this great venture!

Marc Hendrikse 

Figurehead Topsector High Tech Systemen en Materialen

Ton Horn 

Supervisor, commissioner, advisor

Marjolein Jaquet- van der Hek

Director Arons Zorg 

As you get older, as a professional but also as a wife, sister, mother, grandmother and friend, you come into contact with people in your immediate environment who are confronted with a form of cancer. Being told that the diagnosis of breast cancer could have been made earlier is extra sickening for a woman. The development and accessibility of the Early Earning Scan contribute to a more positive health experience and the taking of control of - and by women.

Yvonne van Riet 

Breast cancer surgeon at Catharina Hospital Eindhoven

Wijnand Ijsselsteyn 

Professor Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences

Bert Jan Woertman 

Ecosystem Builder at TU/e innovation Space