Satisfaction predominates

My name is Hülya Pinarbasi and I survived breast cancer.
If I look back now at the whole cancer traject, I'm satisfied. Satisfied about how it went.
Everything according to plan..
After a long time I started to work a few hours.
I was really ready to be back in the workplace.
Since April 2020 I work full-time, giving it my all.
Corona arrives and it's incredibly busy. Secretly I'm glad to be able to work hard again.
Giving my name to YvYa
In November 2019 Paulette asks me to give my name to Stichting YvYa.
She tells me the whole story about breast cancer and young women.
She wants the 'Stichting' to be named after the 2 youngest women in the Gofit-group. Yvonne and me, Hülya.
I didn't need to hear the rest of the story. I was immediately enthousiastic.
I really wanted to be part of this project. That's why I'm a member of the Think Tank for the Early Warning Scan for breast cancer.
By taking part in this, I can give something back to society.
I want to help other women so that they don't have to go through what I went through.
I want to help them to enjoy life again.
My mission: "I want to help other women so that they won't have to go through what I went through."
Help us so that breast cancer can be detected early, also in young women.