Connect, meet en relax
YvYa-Event, #wedoitforthegirls
On Friday 1st October 2021 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.

An event with a promiss to all women
We abide by all the corona regulations that are in force on 1st October.
Together we can enjoy ourselves and be safe.
An enjoyable and varied event
For all women from 15 to 100 years old. Because we have really good news 😍!
We're celebreting the first milestone in the development of the Early Warning Scan for breast cancer.
The alfa-prototype of the scanner is ready and will be shown to the public for the first time on 1st October.
This prototype is an important step towards a new form of screening for breast cancer.
This YvYa Event #wedoitforthegirls aims to present a difficult subject in a relaxed way.
Early detection of breast cancer is necessary to save women much distress.
The Early Warning Scan can do this in a comfortable and female-friendly way.
This event is a first step in the creation of our platform in the Netherlands. We want the Early Warning Scan for breast cancer (EWS) to be available for all women now and in the future.
The EWS is at the moment being developed and will be further developed using donations. Everything that's on offer and sold at the event involves a donation to YvYa. You will therefore be contributing directly to the development of the EWS. Everyone involved in the YvYa- Event is working on a voluntary basis.
What is the venue for event on Friday 1st October?
Jongerencentrum Dynamo
Catharinaplein 21
5611 DE Eindhoven.
tel. 040 239 3110
De venue is right in the centre of Eindhoven. So you can also come by public transport.
If you see this, then you're in the right place!

This building is behind the Heuvelgalerie.
This banner.
These clowns with a mission and a message.
What's going to happen during the day?
The Event takes place in three rooms in the Dynamo building. These are the Mainstage, the Atrium and the Gym.
Connect in the Mainstage
2.30 p.m.: Arrival
3.00 p.m.: Opening session* (* we ask you to register for this session via Eventbrite):
o Opening of the YvYa-Event #wedoitforthegirls by YvYa's chairperson
o Presentation Stichting YvYa
o Medical Talk by Yvonne van Riet, breast cancer surgeon Catharina Ziekenhuis and member of the development team
o Tech Talk by Tom Sanders, initiator and developer of the Early Warning Scan for breast cancer
o Presentation and unveiling of the prototype of the Early Warning Scan (EWS)
There are a limited number of places available for this session. We're investigating the possibility to increase this number.
4.10 p.m.: Tech Talk by Tom Sanders about the Early Warning Scan with the opportunity to ask questions.
4.40 p.m.: Experience story of Hülya Pinarbasi, name giver YvYa. Discussion with the public.
5.10 p.m.: Continuation Tech Talk by Tom Sanders about the Early Warning Scan with the opportunity to ask questions.
5.40 p.m.: Experience story of Esther Lam- Geers, sister of Yvonne, name giver YvYa. Discussion with the public.
6.10 p.m.: Closing Tech Talk by Tom Sanders about the Early Warning Scan with the opportunity to ask questions.
6.40 p.m.: Experience story of Patty Schotman, member of the Think Tank YvYa. Discussion with the public.
We are really hoping that you will ask all the questions that come to mind. It's great if you can go home with knowledge you want to share with other women. Because it's so important...
Meet and connect in the Atrium
4.00 p.m.: In the Atrium there will be a market during the event.
Here you can buy all sorts of novelties and also participate in creative workshops.
Here you can have something to eat and drink. We haven't forgotten the children. There's plenty for them to do.
All the presents on offer have a donation to Stichting YvYa included in the price.
Click here for the programme.
7.10 p.m.: Expert van de slappe lach, Jan Gommans.
7.40 p.m.: Closing words
8.00 p.m.: End of the first YvYa Event #wedoitforthegirls
Meet and relax in the Gym
(first floor)
4.15 p.m. Workshop Pilates*
5.15 p.m. Workshop Yoga
6.15 p.m. Workshop Levenskunst
Decide in advance which activity you would like to join. Important: it is a good idea to register for this activity. Then you're assured of a place. The page Gym will follow shortly.

9th October: VTA Blixems - Blixembosch
16th October: Zaal Unitas - Woensel
30th October: 't Slot - Gestel
On behalf of all the YvYa-women , Marja van Solkema, our event manager,
welcomes you to this first YvYa-Event #wedoitforthegirls.
Communication about the event is possible via