The Gym 

on the first floor.

Workshop Pilates

4.15 p.m. to 5. p.m.

The importance of exercise for recovery by StepbyStep


Miy name is Wilma Volleman and I would like to introduce you to Pilates.

Pilates is a combination of exercises to stengthen the muscles. In particular the underlying muscles. For this we use exercises for mobilitity and breathing. This combination helps you to get your body in balance and to build up your strength.

But it also helps to combat tiredness and depression. Pilates can contribute greatly to recovery during and after breast cancer.

The advantage of pilates is that everybody can do it on their own level. You don't need much: all you need is comfortable clothing and a mat. While doing pilates you listen to your own body. 

     5.00 p.m. Break. The hall wil be cleaned and ventilated.

Workshop Yoga by Ginny Toes

5.45 p.m. to  6.45 p.m.

The added value of yoga by Yoga Ginny

     7.00 p.m. The hall closes. The programme contines in the Atrium.